He's nicknamed "The Maestro" and "The Professor" for a reason.
Greg Jackson knows his mixed martial arts in and out of the cage. That's why the producers of the movie "Warrior" leaned on the MMA trainer so heavily.
You can check out "Warrior" when it's released this Tuesday Dec. 20 for digital download and on DVD/Blue-ray.
Cagewriter has several copies of the DVD to give away. Check out the Cagewriter Facebook page for details. Happy Holidays!
The movie sounds great and it certainly has the stamp of approval from Jackson.
The Albuquerque-based owner of Jackson's MMA was an integral part of making the movie feel realistic. Jackson schooled the actors on the key moves and actions of the fight game, but he was on point in making sure everyone in the film knew how important it was to get across the positive messages of MMA.
"The biggest thing for me was how MMA and combat and martial arts in general can be a tool for good," Jackson told ESPN1100/98.9 FM. "[The producer] wanted to come at it from a more artistic point of view, a more realistic point of view."
Jackson thought "Warrior" was a true reflection of the game.
[...] It's as accurate as any movie can get about MMA. It shows again how martial arts can be a healing thing not just a tool of violence. So there's all these great messages in it that really resonated with me. I was excited to be a part of it," said Jackson.
ProMMANow did a nice review of the film that features brothers, who meet in the finale of a $5 million MMA tournament.
The attention to detail for the MMA fight scenes and the training the actors had to undergo to make them look like authentic fighters on screen will be appreciated by MMA fans.
The most difficult thing audiences will have to deal with is their sympathy and alliance between the brothers. They'll find themselves rooting for both guys, but for very different reasons.
Professional fighters Stephan Bonnar, Yves Edwards, Rashad Evans and Nate Marquardt all make appearances in the film. There's even a bow-tied Josh Rosenthal playing the referee role.
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