Are there any alternatives to steroids if you want to build a muscular body? Because of the many adverse side effects of steroids, there are still those who are willing to take the risk of incurring these negative effects or be legally liable just to be able to enhance their performance in sports or to gain some muscles. Those who use steroids do so because of its fast effects. Although the alternatives to steroids may take more hard work, it focuses on a more holistic approach of becoming healthy in the process.
In this final part on anabolic steroids, I want to precent the results that can be achieved naturally. And you can achieve some pretty remarkable results if you approach your training the right way and put your mind to it. Sadly, this is not what is going on gyms. Take a look at these numbers. These are the Danish Anti doping Agency results from 2010:
1533 tests within competitions => 18 tested positive
669 tests in fitnesscenters => 139 tested positive
Which means that over 1 out of 5 gym goers tested positive. The numbers may be even higher in the US. What is interesting is that not many professional athletes are tested positive. The problem lies in the general population. Surprising for some they are not for me. From what I see in gyms I suspect that the numbers of people abusing steroids are much higher.
Instead of the safer alternatives to steroids why do so many choose to abuse them? The obvious reason is to get big. Why men want to build gigantic bodies far beyond what is possible the natural way is beyond the scope of this article ? but for many it have psychological reasons.
Many start abusing steroids because they don?t want to do the work. It takes hard, focused and consistent work to build muscle naturally over a long period of time. Not exactly the best news when you want big muscle right now. And they don?t have to if they turn to steroids. In fact, it?s been shown in research that anabolic steroids can literally build muscle mass when you sit on the couch doing nothing. This is exactly what happens to boys when they enter puberty. They grow a large amount of muscle mass just because the testosterone levels increases. What do you think happens when you subject the body for much higher doses? Then a training program becomes secondary and it doesn?t matter what a steroid user does in the gym. They will still gain muscle mass. They don?t have to go to the gym and train their ass off. A guy on steroids will grow despite of training methods.
Another reason is the hyped up marketing of the ?power? of supplements to magically build muscle. The average consumer?s mind has been programmed to believe that the path to a better body lies in the form of the latest cutting edge ?breakthrough? supplement.
When frustration after frustration takes its toll on the high expectations of seeing some significant results like those of the steroid-fueled pro that graced the supplement ad, it?s no wonder guys turn to the dark side instead of the alternatives to steroids in an effort to achieve super-human bodies.
Finally is the faulty information that is floating around everywhere. Many are not honest about their drug abuse or worse ? they tell newbies that the only way to get results is to use steroids. Look at the numbers above ? there are way more guys using steroids than most people think. Many newbie?s see how these guys train and assume this is the right way to go. Heck, the dude curling in the squat rack are huge, so he must know the most. What many don?t know is that it doesn?t matter what guys who abuse steroids do training wise. They will get result anyway. Many started because they couldn?t get the training program to work in the first place. And that?s expected ? how can you make a training program that is designed for steroid users work if you?re a natural trainee. You cant!
Many young men are advised right from the start by their gym bodies to abuse steroids?. ?You have to take steroids to get results?. They are advised to start on a split routine from the latest Flex or Muscle & Fitness. No wonder they don?t get result unless they jump on abusing steroids.?Most trainees in gyms swears by these methods regardless of their actual results ? most of them won?t even realize you can train any differently. It?s so ingrained in the culture that most people won?t even question it and that there are alternatives to steroids. If the big guys in the gym and magazines are doing them it must be the way to go. But as mentioned they don?t tell you the critical compound that is necessary to make the training work.
So what can be achieved naturally if you train on the right program and get some serious guidens in what really works? To make sure that steroids were not available we have to go back in time. No bodybuilder was using synthetic steroids before 1956 ? they didn?t exist. Most likely, they didn?t enter the bodybuilding scene before the early 1960s.
For these reasons it can be stated that bodybuilders like Steve Reeves and Vince Gironda were not using anabolic steroids. Not exactly weak and squishy. People could relate to this level of muscle development and admired them because it looked natural. It was surely bodybuilding for health. Steve Reeves and other bodybuilders at that time landed big movie roles ? how many of today?s bodybuilders do you see on the big screen?
This is the Mr. World Contest that was held in Cannes France on August 15, 1948. Steve Reeves won that contest and went on to win the Mr. Universe contest in 1950.
Vintage Vince Gironda posing footage from 1947. At that time he was considered to ripped. An ultra low body fat percentage were not the ideal during this period.
Let look further back ? they didn?t even have access to the equipment we do today.
Dr Casey Butt Phd, has analyzed measurements of more than 300 drug-free champion bodybuilders and strength athletes from 1947 to 2007. Based on height he came up with a table that shows your genetic potential. These numbers are what you should be able to achieve naturally if you have average genetics.
5?8? => max 190lbs
5?10? => max 199lbs
6?0? => max 207lbs
6?2? => max 216lbs
These numbers are NOT your lean body mass. This is your total bodyweight with 10% body fat. Many who don?t possess average genetics (myself included) will not be able to reach these numbers, but still it?s possible to build an impressive physique. And in most cases you will be considered big by normal standards and will stand out in almost any gym.
But for most young men this is not enough. They?re brainwashed by bodybuilding magazines showing professional bodybuilders weighing 300 lbs proclaiming that they got their results from split routines and the latest cutting edge supplement. The bodybuilders from the pre steroid era looks like pencil necks compared to the monsters of the bodybuilding scene today.
Alternatives to steroids summary
Fitness is about being as healthy as you can be while pursuing a strong, muscular and lean body ? with a look that is perfect for your body type. Not risking your health in the process. But it will take work. Hard work. And not just hard work. Hard, smart consistent work for a very long time.
This is the price you have to pay for healthy alternatives to steroids, but the reward is so much more satisfying than putting a needle in the ass and risking your health for a body that you won?t be able to keep in the long run.
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